Monday, April 6, 2009

Of the Cult and Pun

As we sat down the hallway today, three of us wearing hooded jackets, two of us shielding ourselves with umbrellas from imaginary rain, and a queer looking symbol in the middle of the circle, perhaps they did think we were a cult, or its just Jia Yu's 'alternative perspective'. What with us throwing a look back at all those who come our way.

By the way, the umbrellas and hooded jackets were a coincidence, and the queer sign is actually a poster with a huge red cross on it. Nothing sinister about them, I must add to prove our innocence!

What started as a single thought begun the never ending series of laughter with every passerby maneuvering away from our little gathering. Justified, it may have been, for we were coming up with controversial conspiracy theories regarding the two main characters of 'Pride and Prejudice' for our Literature discussion.

I'll show you photos of the 'cult' one day, but this I shall end with an anecdote:

Evena sat with her back facing the door, and WHAM! It slammed open. A guy stepped into the room, and was about to leave the other direction when he turned back to look at her. His friend who entered later yelled, "kao lui ar?(Cantonese for flirting)" and they were on their way.

As all of us giggled, Evena suavely leaned back against the door and said, "So what? I'm the girl 'next door'!"

If you understand, good for you. There may be more to come with this funny gang. If you don't, bear with them and blame it on *cough* the person who first rubbed the 'pun epidemic' off her, the someone whose name I shall not mention.

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