Sunday, March 29, 2009

I LOVE EARTH HOUR (and the entire day)

So how was your Earth Hour and the entire day, for that matter? Mine can only be expressed by one word: Glorious.

Before Earth Hour begun:

I found a priceless novel which was (sort of) misplaced a month ago! Coincidence? I found the organiser that was, well, misplaced several weeks ago. Haha, I thought, I'm in luck today, to things I lost.

Earth Hour saw only darkness, because Pa didn't like the idea of polluting the air with candles.

50 minutes before Earth Hour ended: We indulged in chocolate ice cream, since there wasn't much to do.

35 minutes before Earth Hour ended: We left the house for a stroll, armed with a bulky torch light just in case we catch a glimpse of her. The air was chilly and there were many other neighbours killing time as they sauntered about. Many croaking toads too, if I may add.

15 minutes before Earth Hour ended: We made our way back after haunting the streets once more with our mewing.

10 minutes before Earth Hour ended: "SEE! THERE! SEE THERE!!!!" Joyce recognised that pair of gleaming eyes, I recognised that sweet voice. Coaxing didn't do us well, she slithered into the neighbour's garden, and we impatiently exhorted the doorbell. Realising that we were no rogues, we were allowed to enter. On my knees I went, reaching my hands under the danky shade as my fingers ran through the soil and mud. They found a thin figure.

"Are you sure it's the right one?" My father shone his torchlight to pull back that veil of darkness.

1 minute before Earth Hour ended: I stared face to face with a pair of blue eyes. "YES!!!" I was sure, furthur reinforced my shrills of delight from my siblings, and a welcoming mew by her brother.

EARTH HOUR (and the entire day) found EVERYTHING I lost! MIRACLES do happen!! Support it next year!!

Here I must say... THANK YOU to all my neighbours (and security guards) who have been keeping their eyes open for her(You know who you are)...THANK YOU to Shermaine for checking PAWS out...THANK YOU to those who expressed their concern (and did not leave sacarstic remarks), THANK YOU to those who was willing to help even though you were living a little too far away.

THANK YOU EARTH HOUR!! Happy face back again!!

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