Friday, March 20, 2009

What about college I like and don't really

College life, at this point, seems rather feverish.

Leaving home at 7am and returning home at the oddest hour (even reached home at 8.45pm once: and was by then, drunk with fatigue). So many things come in a jumble and blurs my eyes, with some subjects slightly overwhelming, and exams ready to haunt us in a few months time. My pockets burn by the end of the month. If anybody complains that their college lunch break is only one hour, I'll smirk.

Everything's different now.

Which is why I smile to the fact that it's as if you can start over new and fresh, because no one cares about your past and who you were back then. You'd be surprised if you knew. Other subjects take on an interesting twist to it all. All that walking to and fro around the blocks (and chasing after that bus), well, call it exercise then.

College life, at this point, ain't that bad.

Four Leaf Clover Animated Divider from

PS. The student council nominees will be having their campaigning period next week, and election commences next Friday! Wishing all the best in carrying out your 'missions' and 'visions' and 'Tony-Blair-like-speeches'! While I have no favourites yet, we'll see then who stands high on the podium.

PSS. Watching Slumdog Millionaire while eating ice cream with family. Got to go!

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