Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Leaving on a Jet Plane

All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go! Well, not on a jet plane, not that dramatic. I'll be on my way with a friend of mine.

Random flashback: It was in March when my fingers stumbled across it in the newspapers one day. Stared at it for hours. Glanced at it one way or another. Got stuck between the 'guilt-and-regret' theory. Then my fingers grabbed a pair of scissors and snipped it out. It became my quiet little secret --- very few people even knew I submitted a piece for it--- mostly because there are some 'advices' I didn't want to hear (Bow not to dependence)

Back to reality: I honestly mean it when I say I didn't expect to get it. With workloads and unforeseen schedules finding a way to pry into the slots, the idea almost palled. The phone call changed it all. It changed my plans too, so excitement is one way to sum it all up.

Your Travel Personality Is: The Adventurer

For you, travel is how you learn about the world. And you like to learn the stuff that's not in guidebooks.

You truly have wanderlust. When you're not traveling, you're dreaming about where you'll go next.

And your travels are truly legendary - they leave you with stories you'll be telling for the rest of your life!

My compass points north. At least I know when I'll be back again. See you guys in three days.

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