Sunday, June 29, 2008

Happy Birthday, Yu Ning '08

Happy Birthday, Yu Ning!

You are the one with the bone-tickling jokes.
Undeniably the one always up for a challenge.
Never pretentious, forever yourself.
In spite of tension, can heal it as easily as it comes.
Noisy yet secretive, though hard to explain, it is true in a good way.
Genuine goodness stirred in a pot.

Having known you since Form One, I found it wonderfully easy to share thoughts with you, be they random gossips, memories, or chit chat. You're friendly to all, and modest even when showered by praise. Yes, and of English essays that speak of bikini-clad maidens upon sandy shores. And knowing what shocks the wits out of Mei Yee when she shocked the wits out of me. And knowing how to untangle me when I'm a little hay-wired.

Here is your surprise Extravaganza and BBQ Chicken we had with Genevieve, Adeline, Grace and Ying Jee yesterday. Remember? All that "short distance" walking is worth it.

Now that you are 17, there's lots of adventures to pursue. Perhaps one day we'll carpool with you at the wheel. May your year be juicy with head-spinning happiness.

Happy Birthday!!

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