Sunday, July 4, 2010

Next stop: Road Side.

Life is a highway, and we are driving over the speed limit whether we notice it or not. It should be an offence, but no one cares. I'm trying to hit the brakes, but it's impossible to come to a stop.

That's how I feel right now.

Just last week, I have been through a Popiah party, a final paper, an outing after that, shopping with my mum, karaoke and surprise celebration with my college friends, a prom and an hour long ride on the LRT to a birthday party. Things can be fun when your schedule is full.

All of a sudden, there are white blanks on my calendar. In an instant, everything is starting anew. Some people have already gone on to the next chapter of their lives. They have places to go to, new experiences to gain, new syllabus to swallow.

Now what is this? In the next few weeks, a childhood best friend and four cousins will be returning back from abroad, when I can still recall their farewells or their last visit as if it were a month ago.

I'm not ready to think about how fast everything will seem pretty soon. For now, I'll be lazing about at home, helping out where I can and filling up my calender again to get my mind off the rat race.

Now someone just suggested a reunion. Hmm...

"Life is a highway,
and I wanna ride on it all night long..."
~Life is a Highway, by Rascal Flatts~

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