Saturday, August 9, 2008

SPBT Party

Random flashback: It was last year that, all of a sudden, most people wanted to join two clubs. Well, you can say I was no different. Though all I wanted was something else to work on, more activities to do, with hopes that there would be friends with me this time.

Aha! I shall thank Melissa for suggesting that a bunch of us joined the SPBT club, which includes Joanne, Kar Chee etc. If the name doesn't ring a bell, its because it was a rather small club with few members to begin with. 'Skim Pinjaman Buku Teks' in translation means 'Text Book Loan Scheme'. There was nothing much to do except the filings of the paperwork...until...

BOOM! Free text books were to be given out this year! In that very instance, we had big jobs to deal with, and very few hands. Having to go back to school during the school holidays processing all the text books was actually really fun. And it isn't just because there was a bunch of us friends with random chitchat while piling up stack after stack of books, but the evolution that was taking place before our very eyes. Soon the number of members increased dramatically, like a trickling dam that had finally crumbled and flooded the empty dry lands.

As of today, the SPBT club is very proud to say that they've emerged from the ashes and is the best in the district. It's a huge one now, with loads of members at its feet. The room that once caught dust and old books is now fresh, charming, with new computers supposedly on its way.

Back to reality: Today marked the stepping down of all the 'seniors' of the club. A group of us gathered at the KH (home science) room, where we started preparing sandwiches. And I tell you, don't underestimate this seemingly easy task! We aren't really sure what was the problem, still, I thought we did a great job.

Right after school, the table, laden with food enough for fifty hungry soldiers, was attacked by the members. I could barely hear the speeches; we were sorting out the gifts for the lucky draw. The event sprang into life with the our blissful camaraderie, the moment we were waiting for passing by with such glee that smiles came by so easily. More on the food, of course, they were scrumptiously belly-filling. SLURP!

And yes, I was really sad it had to end so soon.

Quote of the day: "Please, it's not like its our last day of school!"

PS. I'll try to post some photos as soon as possible.

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