This is it. One hour from now, you will have a new set of obligations to follow. You will be expected to know what to do, even if you don't. You will be expected to make less mistakes. You will be expected to act your age, whatever that means. You will be be twenty.
Don't worry, everything will be fine, contrary to what people say about age. Age is as ripe as wine, more flavourful and valuable with each passing year. It is a natural way of life; everyone has to go through it. It is not a determinant of who you are or who you must be. Age is a number.
Besides, you had a good run, didn't you? Look back at who you were years ago and look at you now. You have changed for the better. As a child, you had adventures in lands of your imagination; today these adventures exist in the real world.
I hope you notice from those many brilliant years that you have exceeded yourself tremendously. You have done things you never thought you could do. You have experienced life and pushed boundaries. You became who you are today because of those amazing years of transition in between.
So please do not be afraid to move ahead. There are many more adventures waiting beyond that horizon. There are many more ambitions to pursue. The best days are yet to come. Just walk forward and hold onto the same courage that held your hand yesterday.
There is another thing. Please do not forget me. Do not even say good bye. I will always be walking behind you. I will be the one telling of the dreams you bore today and reminding you to hatch them tomorrow.
In fact, I will always be here, helping you find out what you should do so that there will be less mistakes. I will always be you, whatever age you may be. And that is the one thing that will never change.
Have a wonderful journey ahead.
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