Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Rhyming Fight

It was so sudden and spontaneous but it gave me a laugh! I guess we may never know if the chicken or egg came first, and which Rach came first *though we know it is me*.

Dramatis Personae
Rachael & Rachel


Enter the cast


it rhymesss

what does?

your choke my poke!

shall we talk in rhyme tonight?
And we can have a rhyming fight!

but I can never speak in rhyme
i find i'll take an awfully long time
friend friend friend! wherefore art thou?

oh really! why in shakespeare's tone?
oh stop just stop OH! being my clone

your clone I most certainly am not
really I have never heard SUCH rot!

either that or you r my evil twin!
and in this game only one can win!

the winner is already set, we all know
and I think i'll be the one with the face that has a glow!

The face with the glow? Then it must be in red!
Cause the winner is me. you've been awfully misled

Wrong you are, my dear friend,
The champion I am, and the story thus ends!

Wrong you are too, the trophy is mine
Because I'm to have the very last line!

Mistaken you are, that is for certain,
For here I am; hark! there falls the curtain!

There falls the curtain! And falls straight on you!
For who is the winner? I am! That's true!

It falls not on me, but for us
Because I am the winner, and that is just!

Justice is blind, you said, but should it not be,
She'll see a clear winner. And who? Oh! Me!

Justice knows best; she makes her choice,
It is me! You are just making noise!

I'm making noise? Oh am i amuse!
So are you, my dear friend, does it mean we both lose?

We both lose, let us concede,
for Shakespeares, we will never be!

slow are you, my dear comrade!

Ah! Before this concludes, I really must say,
if you see this in my blog...don't glow red in any way!


*eyes back*


Sigh. I enjoy our 'battle of the wits'. What say you, Rachel?

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I should try this with the people around me sometime. Looks fun haha. Too bad we couldn't try that with Pn. Harbinger during Lit. days. I wonder what calamity might trigger after ohohoho.

    Whatever the calamity was, I'm pretty sure Audrey has had that experience first hand, it's too bad we won't know anything about it. Or would it be wiser not to know of it? Hmmm...
