Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Sushi and Cheesecake

Sushi followed by cheesecake - food is such bliss. Miki and I went to Yuuka's place to have dinner. Yuuka cooked the one below. It was delicious and I got a few little tips on Japanese cooking too. 

I joined the Baking Society in the university and our first baking activity was cheesecake. Seeing as I already have my mum's unbaked cheesecake recipe, I decided to try the baked cheesecake recipe. My first try was not too bad; it tasted great although the top had some burnt bits. 

The second try, as you can see from below, turned out to be much better. 

Fresh out of the Oven
The three of us ate till our tummies went into rest mode. Considering how well the day went, we were pleasantly surprised that time went by slowly and lazily too. Hopefully we can have another dinner like this soon; it was a really comfortable evening and I don't mind feeling as relaxed as that every other week. . 


The next day, I went to Nottingham, so you can probably tell how far back this was. Since then I have made scones in the Baking Society, booked a flight to Florence, had a not-too-good meal at the Library restaurant  that was made up with a lovely Millie's cookie cake, counted the number of should-have-been deaths in 'Home Alone 2' with my house mates (we counted that there should be 21), been in a Battlestar Galactica marathon with them too, cooked bak kut teh and had a great talk with Deidre.

Long, eventful week, don't you think?

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