Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I'm Going to be Published in an Anthology!

Guess what? I'm going to have six pages of my work published in the Creative Writing Society anthology! There is nothing as exciting as this for aspiring writers. Okay, unless it is a novel or poetry collection we're talking about. Or a movie. You know what I mean.

I have submitted one short story and two poems for my section. There will be a queer but quaint tale called 'The Girl Who Cries Glass Tears', which follows the psychological journey of a perceptive girl with a strange talent. I have a knack for writing about fantastical characters, which seems to be fuelled further by the modules I picked this year. There will also be two poems entitled 'Elegy for Life' and 'Dandelion Storm'.

It costs 7 pounds for a copy, and along with my submission there will be prose and poetry by other amazing writers as well (aka my friends).

If you'd like to buy one, let me know latest by this Friday (11/11/11) and I'll place the order (initially I mentioned Wednesday but circumstances changed). I won't be able to get any more copies after this Friday, so this would be the only chance! I accept international exchange rates. *coughs* *winks*