Saturday, January 30, 2010

Wiped out

This was my original intention: To come back home after the 1U outing (It was fun, guys! We should do that again!) and immediately update my blog to break the exam drought.

This is the situation when I got home:

"What happened to the fishes?" ~me (Perhaps you may remember me talking about our school of guppies here)

"Don't need to worry about them." (After all, they are a sturdy species)

"What do you mean? So you knew?"

"Aiya! It's okay. Don't need to worry."

"But...they're dead! ALL of them!"


It turned out that a certain someone who was to change the water decided not to leave the water overnight beforehand! Contaminated with chlorine yet to be evaporated, the water was. I can imagine them struggling to breathe yet knowing that there is nowhere to run. Their source of life now a pool of poison.

It does sound more apocalyptic than I thought. An entire nation wasted, just like that. And just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, all the baby fishes, the little fries...the whole generation of hope...wiped out in a single morning.

There are three more stronger fries salvaged from the ruins (the last of the last) and kept in our 'ICU' - a bowl of mineral water. Sad to say, things are not looking good for them.

Now it's raining, and my mood is going more sombre and irritated by the minute.

PS. I consider them part of the family.

PPS. I'll post the photos up another day.

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