Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Edible Forms of Happiness

In case I have not established it, December 1st marked the end of my sugar abstinence!

It was extremely tough at first, having to resist every temptation that inconveniently appeared on the table. And there are the delicious looking goodies that friends baked or bought to share. And the many cakes that had to make its appearance in the many college events that fell in November.

It got easier after that, and I'm not consuming as much now... As for the other pledgers, two dropped out relatively early (now they owe us Mc D) while the other two got by with no emotional blog posts and shopping! Hooray to us!

But that doesn't mean I'll push away every ounce of glucose now.

They aren't labelled 'sweet' for no reason. There's always a time for a good endorphin rush, which more often than not gives me a day equal to that.

It's good to have edible forms of happiness once in a while, don't you think?

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