Thursday, December 31, 2009

Looking Back at 2009

Now we come to yet another year ending with a blink of an eye. As promised, I shall wrap up the memories I collected last year before it's time to start afresh.
PS: This is a scheduled post.

The year was full of bittersweet changes.

It started with everything ending.

Like a grand symphony at its resolution.

It's no longer high school.

But that doesn't stop us from reliving the memories.

Besides new places now seem like old friends.

Old friends seem as close as family.

While family...well...stay that way.

With the new buddies pouring in...

And the different adventures along the way...

(Plus you've been brave enough)

Situations hardly seem new anymore.

Then suddenly people start leaving for better things ahead.

You can't help but miss them so.

You may not know if they'll return.

But you'll be there if they do.

Of course, college asks for a lot.

But sometimes it can be mixed with pleasure.

Though some things may repeat themselves

They can be better this time...

As long as you give your all.

Endings can be beautiful beginnings.

The same way it's hard to keep away from the sweet stuff.

It just means that it's time to experiment.

Like putting new twists to tradition.

Making them the best moments

Till the division of reality and fantasy starts to blur...

That's when you realise that life is one big drama.

At 18, there is only one way left to go...


Happy New Year, guys!

May this year be as exciting as you want it to be!

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