Six years now, was it? Time slipped so suddenly from our fingers. Dust may have caught against our dark blue uniforms (which may as well be discarded by now), but the annual reunions swept off debris from our memories. Two days ago, it was all different; we marked our small and rather rushed reunion as a sentimental farewell.

Here we were waiting as patiently as possible at Tropicana City Mall...
Someone craved sushi, so we made our way to the nearest and only one we could find.
Thank you guys so much for your spontaneity! Congestion at 7 can haunt your dreams at night, and most of us had to shake ourselves into sanity after college and work. Quite a few of us were rather tired after a long day, yet here for those we intend to bid farewell.

As we had dinner, we took a stroll down memory lane. Back then, with such diverse personalities involved, a sense of sheer liveliness lingers within the class. And don't forget the comedy, or the drama. Six seasons worth of pure, pure drama.

Had we been a television series, we would have had episodes of
mischievious outbreaks (I'll never forget the bubblegum 'Mr Superman' threw on Miyumi's hair), of
scandals and
'love' triangles (which will remain undisclosed), of apparent flirting (kakaka...) and of
accusations (how can teachers not trust?), of the many ways of
punishment (not limited to canes then), of
habits and stereotypes(and how everything changed), of shoes and supposed
suicide (inside story; still cracks me up) AND exclusive first hand behind the scene episodes which I didn't know of...

Chieng Yee! Thank you so much for the muffins you gave us! Don't forget to remember us! Especially when putting on that hat!
Party of Eight (from top row to bottom) : Yen Ni, Miyumi, me, Chieng Yee, Caely, Keith, Yi Chong, Jen Jean.
Time, please don't rush by so fast! You're going to send all of them (and possibly me) to across the seven seas, or paths that lead to where dreams may be! And I don't know if ever they should come back!
Now that we've reached the crossroad, we can but await the paths to meet again.

This is to Chieng Yee, Brian,
Yoke Yee and Zheng Yi,
May all of you meet in Australia,
and may your dreams unfold there!
All the best in all you do,
and be sure we'll be here to greet you again.
PS. Hug a koala!
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