Saturday, January 31, 2009

Dragon "We"

Seldom do we get to eat out as an extended family, so what better than to eat gather up for dinner at Dragon I? The word 'I' sounds individualistic; perhaps Dragon 'We' would sound better. Either way, forgive my pun. Let's move on!

While we couldn't be seated knights around a round table, a long stretch of them served just as well. Half the table opted for the conventional rice meal; we took ala carte.

My bowl of ramen was the last one out, so as I waited, my itchy hands started fiddling with the camera to rid the hunger pang.

"It's not late. It's special..." Convincing oneself is not simple.

Yet as the waitress opened the cover of the bowl, eyes widened with amazement.

Oh! The juice! A single bite spurts aromatic soup into the mouths chamber, igniting your senses with such tingling warmth! Then every droplet caresses the walls before slithering down the smooth slope of the throat, welling up at the stomach to fulfil its gastronomic desire.

Now I'm getting carried away, and salivating.

With that, it only makes sense if I couldn't help but gulp down the whole bowl.

Ah... The moment the dessert called out for us, we were roped in! Call it the unparalelled dish of any day!
This is a hand gesture is generally accepted as my baby cousin's adorable signature pose. *winks* Peace!

PS Some don't want to see their photo here, which explains why I could not upload several. Privacy respected!

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