Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Half Full or Half Empty?

Life is a roller coaster. That is a fact. Deep down in our hearts, we know that fact to be true, no matter how optimistic we choose to be. There comes a time when it becomes too hard to see the cup as being half full instead of half empty. It becomes harder to stay hopeful and yet, hope is all we have to hold onto.

When one is away from home, domestic news travel late and much is cushioned to avoid excess worrying. And back home, it's been a roller coaster for everyone.

Trips to and from white buildings that roll in the withered and roll out the freshly bloomed. Men and women in white, all wishful and frank, their faces masking all that they must have seen and felt. On their lips are the words that reassure and in their hands are the risks that they will take because no one else will. The white buildings contain so many emotions. They are roller coasters themselves.

I have a reason for being cryptic, although I must state this one thing. This roller coaster ride of a year is too long and I want it to stop.

A very lovable person told me this a few days ago, "An optimist sees his cup half full; a pessimist sees his cup half empty...A chemist sees his cup full, half in liquid state and half in vapour state." Perhaps cups are always full, only that we do not always see half of it. It takes time to condense, I suppose.

5x7 Lonliness of Autumn Pictures, Images and Photos
Leonid Afremov's 'Loneliness of Autumn'

PS. I love Leonid Afremov's paintings. I think they deserve another post.

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