Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Have I known you?

"你觉得我们前世有没有认识?" Do you think we've known each other in our past lives?

"什么?" What?

"你相信人有前世吗?" Do you believe in past lives?

"相信...等...我们以前是不是仇人?" I do...wait...were we 'enemies' then?

"有没有搞错..." What on earth..

Here Mei Yee was again with her random questions. This time, it did spark a thought. Alright, maybe not for those who shrug at the thought of superstitions or beliefs that seem so much against science and all those concepts.

So what do you think of reincarnation? The idea of rebirth, where your soul lands itelf in another body. For all you know, you could have been on this planet earlier than you thought. Goodness! You may have been someone significant in the past and yet not know it!

You'd be surprised at the number of researches done to prove it. I heard there were professors who documented interviews with children who could vaguely remember being someone else, and found that their 'experiences of the past' were true! Some even had matching birthmarks as the 'person' they were before. Others gave in to hypnosis. Skeptics would say it's falsely inserted memories, but I mean, loads of religions found shades of truth in it too, right?
And everyone you know now may have known you for a very very very long time...

"我读了一本书说如果我们前世是朋友, 现在也会是朋友. 仇人永远当仇人." I read somewhere that if we were friends in the past, we'd be friends now. Enemies remain enemies.

All I could think of was how even in such a close friendship, Mei Yee and I would be 'arguing' and 'fighting'.

"我们以前是什么关系?" So who were we in the past?

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