Saturday, October 11, 2008

Caution: Hectic Week Ahead!

This is going to be one hectic week.

I've twelve subjects to worry about, which, of course, I will get them all folded up and fitted to that 'suitcase' in my head. Trials showed a series of roller coaster rides, so it'll get me going. I hope.

Am I expected to study 24/7? I do know it's an important year and all that...but am I supposed to isolate myself from public right now? Once I go in, oh, it's so hard to get out of it. My blood pressure may break the thermometer with an explosion!

All this is giving me countless migranes and toying with my insecurity. It isn't a feeling I plan to live with or go through, in any case.
Over the phone:
"Yip, and they kept reminding me it's that close."
"Actually it's one more month."
"I know."
Right now, I'm pretty sure those without free spa vouchers are relying on this stress reduction kit to push out the pain from their heads.

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