Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Annoyance of the New Bus Routes

Source of photo can be found here.
There is a new bus route in Bowthorpe. The usual buses have been replaced by a supposedly faster one which bypasses the hospital and other stops. Unfortunately that includes the one near ours.

According to the bus company, they have conducted a survey to gain the bus travelling statistics in the area as well as talked to people. They claim the bus helps students get into the university faster. Who, I wonder, have they been talking to? I don't know but they sure are not students who are representative of UEA.

No buses means more walking. We could take a bus to get closer but it won't be driving into the university.

All the while we have been relying on the bus services to get in; that was the reason we moved there in the first place. While I do appreciate a walk now and then, I have not made the universal "beginning-of-the-year" resolution of maintaining a walking regime. Especially not in this chilly weather. Especially when I have an annual bus pass.

bus (1)
Source of photo can be found here
The timetables are rough on students wanting to go into the university. The fact that it only runs during term time makes the it less attractive.

My stress-o-meter has been relatively high lately. I wonder why.

This decision is still under review, they said, although I doubt they would do anything about it too soon. Until then I shall bite my lip and brace the cold. Spring will be a beautiful welcome at this point.

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