Sunday, October 5, 2008

Taman Aman

It didn't look like the kind of place to have a park anywhere near it. All of a sudden you'll find yourself walking down a very tranquil looking path that leads to a huge park, tucked away from bustling streets, as one would probably find by following a white rabbit down the burrow.

You can hear birds chirping from a distance, and crickets singing from the bushes. Once in a while, you can hear the LRT roaring pass, but as I said, just once in a while, reminding you that you're no where near Never land. The trails stretch themselves far and fork out to many crossroads. Not bad for walking or cycling!
Anyone staying near it practically owns a free lifetime gym membership, children's pass to playgrounds and meditative treatment facilities. It even has a skateboard arena for fellow skaters to conquer!!

In the middle of it all lies a huge lake beautifying the scene, so quiet and calm. And there's this wide path with serene trees waving pass on both sides of it. Reminds me of one of those movies.

What I liked most was the area where you can only hear the crickets with nothing else, and though it looked a little secluded from the rest, there are trees that resemble illustrations in books that speak of myths and legends. I don't have any pictures of it, unfortunately, but I don't mind coming back!

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