Saturday, June 2, 2012

Almost at the End of Year Two

Justice League Monopoly by rachlyf
Justice League Monopoly, a photo by rachlyf on Flickr.

Most friends are done with their exams. Some lazing about. Some leaving. Some left. It's the end of the year for them. It's not officially over for me until next Friday.

And because I'm feeling more and more guilty with each word I type, I'll list this down and make this as quick as possible.

1. I'll be going home this summer. As in, Malaysian home.
2. I'm feeling good about my second Creative Writing piece.
3. I am determined to get an internship. By hook, crook but most probably by the book. Cringe-worthy? I'm a little tired.
4. TV Sitcoms are the bane of my life.
5. Our Monopoly Game lasted 6 hours.

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