Exams are looming over my head. (Finally! At least I'm typing something.) Every now and then, my conscience takes me back to my messy table to study. Other times I convince myself to relax, watch television or surf the net. Not without sending me guilty vibes.
As of now, I want to post something up otherwise it'll bug me for days.
I've been tapping on the table for a while now, contemplating whether I should just delete this post. There are thoughts simply tumbling out of my head, but it's been one long day and maybe I'll post them up another day.
Alright! I will put this in point form! (Finally! I'm moving on.)
1. My dad gave me "important information" what lies overseas.
2. Math is choking me.
3. Exams are coming. Can you see the billows?
4. I'm awfully hungry right now.
5. Fullstop. End of it all.
(Finally. That took less than a minute.)
Okay! Let's get gungho over this! All the best to everyone taking their finals or mid-terms this time around!
I'm a great believer in luck, and I
find the harder I work the more
I have of it.
~Thomas Jefferson

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