Tuesday, May 26, 2009

And the confusion kicks in

In a mere one day, my seemingly planned schedule for after the exams coiled up in a tight, TIGHT knot. If you're reading this, Janice, you probably know what I'm talking about.

Happy? Definitely. I'd like to jump over the sun since the moon isn't up, but I don't wish to fall back to the earth as a gingerbread man.

"Oh, so that's why people prefer jumping over the moon."

Sad? Maybe. Hopefully it's a term break that night.

"I think it is."

Confused? Of course. OOOoo...what to do. what to do. what to do. what to do. what to do. what to do. what to do.

"You know what to do."

What a busy week it'll be.

Get that off my head!! Okay, I should go back to studying Economics.

"What is the opportunity cost of such a schedule?"

I despise you, conscience. Leave me alone.
"Fine. Be that way."

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