With the playing of the patriotic songs, it is a delight to hear almost EVERYONE voicing out, especially the classic 'Jalur Gemilang'. This year's theme song wasn't as catchy. Who can resist 'Standing in the Eyes of the World' by Ella? Well, I can't! Energetic songs would run me wild, but songs with sentimental lyrics like this touch the heart.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
51st Birthday of a Nation
With the playing of the patriotic songs, it is a delight to hear almost EVERYONE voicing out, especially the classic 'Jalur Gemilang'. This year's theme song wasn't as catchy. Who can resist 'Standing in the Eyes of the World' by Ella? Well, I can't! Energetic songs would run me wild, but songs with sentimental lyrics like this touch the heart.
Friday, August 29, 2008
So short yet so long
"It's at only 40(km/hour)!" ~Tze Horng
"It's okay! He can drive!" ~ Wen Lian
"Be CAREFUL!" ~ Melissa
"Calm down, Melissa!!" ~ Me
My, her past experience with her cousin at the wheel must have been so traumatizing as to doubt Tze Horng's driving abilities. Squirming along the way, her panic mode switched on and off, flickering like a lamp with a faulty bulb. In other words, the four of us were giggling all the way to Physics tuition.
"I KNOW the way."
"You know what? Why don't you close your eyes? We'll be there soon enough."
"Right now, I don't even know if we're going to REACH there..."
The day had, at first, weighed down on me --- a tinge of confusion, loads of anxiety---but I would be lying if I said I didn't feel happy, even if just for some instances. The Merdeka Day Celebration and Hari Kecemerlangan Kokurikulum had my emotions running high and low at the same time.
In the evening, a group of us gathered at Secret Recipe for Wen Lian's birthday. Which reminds me, Happy 17th Birthday, Wen Lian! I hope you liked the present and the card. The words within it were sincere and I truly appreciate this friendship, be it only kicking off last year.
With a single piece of cake specially for the birthday girl, Linston really had the cheek to attempt smearing that DURIAN flavoured cake onto her face. Thank goodness her eyes snapped open upon instinct before the creamy durian paste could get her. What was more, the next stop for us is Physics tuition!
The rain trickled as we made ourselves comfortable in Tze Horng's car. Well, maybe just Wen Lian and I. Melissa was jittery all the way. Who knows what kind of accidents her mind had weaved out?
I'll be frank. For someone who had just gotten his licence, no ounce of fear ran through my veins as I would have expected in a novice driver. After all, between the four of us, you were the expert---not bad!
Besides, the short journey seemed to extend with Melissa's every cry of concern, every laugh that hung with the atmosphere, stepping into the class a little late. And that moment now etched in my memory makes me smile.
"See, we're here."
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Happy Birthday, Mummy! '08

Monday, August 25, 2008
Olympic Closing Ceremony 2008

When it started, we were awed by the really beautiful performances. With so many manpower in China, it's amazing how they can be this patriotic, dedicated and are well, you can say, perfectionists. They can dance for two hours with such a big smile that freezes in their faces. Haha, the fireworks just went on and on like crazy!
One thing about being Hazel's family, we seem so different yet so the same. It's a good thing. Another thing about neighbours, we share juicy information about anything and almost everything.
- The little hero who saved two of his classmates during the earthquake was given a special honour for his bravery---he walked beside Yao Ming at the opening ceremony.
- China won the most gold medals at the Beijing Games. Then again, it isn't about how many medals won, right?
- Apparently the firework supply went low that month. Hehe...guess why.
- London will be cracking their heads to surpass this one in 2012.
- 8 years to prepare this sort of event is not a long time.
As the '8 minute preview' of 2012's Olympic went on, we were wondering which London icons were going to pop up. David Beckham (he did turn up)...Mary Poppins (do the black umbrellas have anything to do with it?)...Harry Potter...?
But unlike the happiness in the opening ceremony, it was a little sad to see it end, especially with the Olympic theme song playing melancholically in the background.

Saturday, August 23, 2008
Campap Opening Day
While most grabbed their cameras and snapped non stop at the Campap Ambassador, Andrew Tan (a singer who rose from Astro, if I'm not mistaken), I was estatic over the brilliant prices and discounts the shop had to offer. Forgive a girl slightly obsessed with stationary, the sketchbooks I eyed every other visit drove me insane with such a low price!
And I've not seen so many people at Campap before, which is sort of fun and unlike the usual 15 people or so trotting around the quiet aisles. Hopefully that would mean it would stay there longer. Haha...I shall be the promoter for today.
Pa and Mummy suggested getting one for Pei-pei as well, who would be more likely to go high over him.
As we were leaving, I realised that they had gotten one for me too...
('ll post it up another time)
"Good Luck in your SPM! 加油!x3"
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Dripping time of Holidays
As always it is a joy to have cousins, more joy to have them around, but I suppose the next time we meet will be after the passing of the big battle. No, actually, after the big battleS. Joyce, Pei-pei and Stephanie will be having PMR --- advanced good luck!
The week will pass as swift as the wind, that I know. The pages of the calender seems to be stripping off a little faster than usual...and my head is already in the semi-relaxing mode. It's great to freeze the rat race, even if just for a while.
Sorry, guys, got to go. I've dinner to collect. Have fun this week!
PS. I really like the horticultural effect on the building in the photo. Strikes me as a fairytale scene that breached the walls of reality. Relaxing, isn't it?
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Tag : 20 questions
Instructions: Remove 1 question from below, and add in your personal question, make it a total of 20 questions, then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged.
1. At what age do you wish to marry?
Hmm...25 or 26? I don't mind waiting.
2. What is your most favourite thing to do?
Indulging in hobbies like reading, writing, art and craft...
3. What will you do if you are the last human survived?
It'll be awfully boring...maybe I'll become the character in 'The Lotus Eaters', watching every sunset and every sunrise.
4. If you can have one dream to come true, what will it be?
Happily ever after.
5. Do you believe you can survive without money?
Guess we all can't, honestly speaking.
6. What do you feel like doing rite now?
Singing out loud.
7. What are you afraid to lose most?
My family and friends.
8. If there is someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?
Hehe...I don't suppose I would. At least not until I am sure it'll be returned.XD
9. Do you believe in fate?
How else do you think I got my circle of wonderful family and friends?
10. What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?
Responsible...Compassionate...hmm...I must love him, first of all?
11. What are the things that will make you think he/she is bad?
If he/she hurts my family or friends.
12. What is your ambition?
Successful author.
13. Is anyone really perfect?
No, but I guess you won't love someone because he/she is perfect, but think that person is perfect because you love him/her.
14. You have a choice to be rich or happy, which one will you pick?
If the word 'rich' comes with 'no happiness', I'd rather be happy.
15. If you have a chance, which part of your character would you like to change?
More bravery. Or at least not stutter when I'm afraid.
16. Who is the person that you can share all your problems with?
Best friends!
17. How do you see yourself in ten years time?
By then I'll be 27? Would question number 1 apply? Well, hopefully by then I'll be living happily ever after.
18. If the world is going to end one day, what would you do for the last 24 hours?
I'll spend the first few hours telling people what they mean to me, the last few hours reminiscing with photographs, and the last few minutes staring out at a beautiful view.
19. Do you believe that high school love can work out to last?
Seldom, but not impossible.
20. If you could relive a moment in the past, when would it be?
The barbeque party with extended family, when every cousin, aunt, uncle, and grandparent had reunited, laughed and ate, where everything was carefree and going to be okay. Sniff...miss those times.
I shall tag:
1. Joyce
2. Mei Shan
3. Shi Yun
4. Joanne
5. Je Hui
Saturday, August 16, 2008
On PLKN suspense
"If I see my name on the list, you'll hear myThat I told Charmaine.
scream from miles away..."
Do you know those shows, the ones with the catchy lines, that ironically becomes apparent in the future? The words now ring in my ear like a ghoul back from the dead. Somehow, I knew that these words would come back to haunt me.
When Wen Lian told me that the PLKN (National Service) list is out, I could vaguely hear my heart throbbing in my mouth. I thought that it was a false alarm when I couldn't find the list online! Then the news started spreading to tuition. It is true, they say, it is here, it is now.
The Internet showed no sign of that list. So clear yet so invisible. Where is it? Might as well get it over with than to let that stomach-curdling suspense rapture what's left of my guts. But I suppose it'll spill sooner or later. So now I shall think not of it.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
SPBT Party
Aha! I shall thank Melissa for suggesting that a bunch of us joined the SPBT club, which includes Joanne, Kar Chee etc. If the name doesn't ring a bell, its because it was a rather small club with few members to begin with. 'Skim Pinjaman Buku Teks' in translation means 'Text Book Loan Scheme'. There was nothing much to do except the filings of the paperwork...until...
BOOM! Free text books were to be given out this year! In that very instance, we had big jobs to deal with, and very few hands. Having to go back to school during the school holidays processing all the text books was actually really fun. And it isn't just because there was a bunch of us friends with random chitchat while piling up stack after stack of books, but the evolution that was taking place before our very eyes. Soon the number of members increased dramatically, like a trickling dam that had finally crumbled and flooded the empty dry lands.
As of today, the SPBT club is very proud to say that they've emerged from the ashes and is the best in the district. It's a huge one now, with loads of members at its feet. The room that once caught dust and old books is now fresh, charming, with new computers supposedly on its way.
Back to reality: Today marked the stepping down of all the 'seniors' of the club. A group of us gathered at the KH (home science) room, where we started preparing sandwiches. And I tell you, don't underestimate this seemingly easy task! We aren't really sure what was the problem, still, I thought we did a great job.
Right after school, the table, laden with food enough for fifty hungry soldiers, was attacked by the members. I could barely hear the speeches; we were sorting out the gifts for the lucky draw. The event sprang into life with the our blissful camaraderie, the moment we were waiting for passing by with such glee that smiles came by so easily. More on the food, of course, they were scrumptiously belly-filling. SLURP!
And yes, I was really sad it had to end so soon.
Quote of the day: "Please, it's not like its our last day of school!"
Friday, August 8, 2008
Awww...and such a sweet slogan too---"同一个世界同一个梦想" (One World, One Dream)
I've even heard that more events are to be added, perhaps not this year, but probably by the next cycle of four years. I do hope they put in squash, but I heard they're considering ballroom dancing. That will be absolutely brilliant to watch!
Sorry to say, I'm going to miss the grand opening!! But given the prosperous date, with 8 symbolizing 'fortune', I've taken the liberty to make this a scheduled post, such that if you notice the time, it's

So anyway, enjoy the fun-filled excitement! I know I will.
Quote of the day: The breaking of drowsiness during a History class.
"What wall separated West and East Germany, do you know?"
I think it was sleepiness.
Harendran: "The Great Wall of China!"
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
First Class Trip Ever
"Ponteng (Playing truant)!" Our classmate yelled back. Sharing giggles, we clambered into a bus and was on our way to the Pusat Sains Negara (National Science Centre).
You may find it amazing to know that while we have been in the same class for almost two years, this is the first class trip we have ever had. Aching deeply, I hope this isn't the last. We really should organise class trips of our own too...one day.
Even on the way, there was much to remember, especially the 'he-says-she-says' sessions a group of us have decided to commence, and carry out when there is time to kill.
So we weren't exactly there to pay the place a visit. For the first few hours, along with students from several schools, we clustered in a lecture hall for a talk in Pharmacy. "Either our school have really serious students," I whispered to Wen Lian, as the hall roared with laughter at a joke and our class didn't, "Or we're bored and half-asleep". That's when I noticed some staring into space. It's good, no doubt, but not something I'd consider going for.
After the talk, we had some refreshments (the noodles was fantastic), then we were allowed to tour on our own.
A spiral stairway led to a balcony above the centre, and for a first place to start exploring, it was worth the memories. Next thing we knew, we were speeding around the centre, awed by anything and everything, as if we were spun back ten years into the realm of childhood. There were countless 'huge red' buttons to press, rooms to check out and loads of objects tempting fingers to fiddle with. You can see the glow on our faces as we started experimenting with every gadget, knowing that given a choice, we would want to stay for the entire day, that time should probably just stop at its tracks.
I think time was jealous of us; it rushed by so fast. And to think that waiting for me back there is but the Chinese class and Chemistry tuition. And to think that the day had latched itself onto my mind so tightly--- every piece of conversation, joke, and laughter--- that I can but wonder if there will be next times.
"I think we should go on a class trip after SPM." Someone mentioned while we walked back into the school.
Well, I guess we will.
Monday, August 4, 2008
To Write a Childrens' Book
Watched Batman, and it was the kind of movie which will clench at your soul, shake your spirits like a ragdoll, and throw you back onto the cinema chair. The violence makes you writhe in your seat, your hands desperate to close the eyes of your little cousins who are watching a supposedly 'U-rated' film, yet it was thought-provoking, all the suspence building up to one emotional roller-coaster. Recommendations? Worth the watch, but prepare to squirm.
Then a late lunch at TGIF brought all of us together, where eyes brighten at the sight of the large portions on the plate, where lips smack with felicity. Maybe I should organise the Standard Six reunion here, my mind wondered, though how I can persuade some of them to come along would be a problem. Hmm... made a mental note to discuss with Yen Ni. Btw, Happy Belated Birthday to you...my Standard Six pal whose friendship I truly cherish!!!
I've just stumbled across a writing competition, and my heart immediately sprung to joy. It's calling out for teens to write a childrens' story, complete with illustrations, and I suppose, made to look like a book. Insisting myself to discard my fickleness, my pen is ready to scribble once my imagination runs its course...and it better does soon because the deadline is by the end of the month or so.
The story isn't what I'm worried about, though. Who can I turn to for illustrations? It isn't that I don't know anyone who could do so. Trust me, a long list lies in my pocket. There's just a large number of setbacks to this.
1. The battle is to dawn. The word studying really is getting to me.
2. Some are already busy with Editorial Board drawings or graphic works.
3. Reluctancy expected.
4. It's a tough job trying to convince someone I can really trust to give me a hand.
At the moment, though, I'll still be rummaging through my thoughts and ideas for a moralistic story for children. Someone will come to mind for the pictures. I hope.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
To the End of Two Ends
Second thing: I'm on a stress-free vacation at Sierramas.
Random flashback: Young and unsure of what was to come, I placed my name under PBSM also known as theRed Cross Society during Form One. The crowds were massive, its members were abundant. Throughout the years, despite the torturous rounds of push-ups, there was something that lured me into the meetings twice a week. That was then, I suppose, now that passion toned down to bits of amber.
Nonetheless, I will never forget those heart-warming moments when being clad in white seemed to flow blood of pride through our veins. Not forgetting the PCK camp(it's an intensive first aid course) in Form Two which opened my eyes. Then there are those friendships tied closer with every meeting, and even after some of them decided to quit, it's nice to have these friendships still, first started by that twice a week routine.
Back to reality: This was my last time ever going to a PBSM meeting. I left with alcohol swap lingering on the tip of my tongue. Yes, my last time doing CPR on a plastic figure. To leave was a blissful moment of sugar-coated freedom.
Another random flashback: The Form Three me entered the Interact club. Quite sorry to say, I wasn't such an active one. Though at times my mind would wonder what it was that compelled me to enter this society, I can't say that it hasn't change me.
To say that 'it's helped me interact with others' would be rather cliche, but with all due respect it is true. Perhaps, you can say, it has given me a different perspective of life and the way things go round, as well as a tinge of courage to speak my mind in confidence. And yes, of course, friendship played an important part in it.
Back yet again to reality: With the passing of the Interact Installation, we left as outgoing members. The performances were truely amazing, or at least, they would have been had there been no technical difficulties, added by the fact that we had to wait in between performances. 4.10pm, and I was like a Cinderella on a curfew, having to leave for Chinese tuition.
The rush of the day blurred across my mind. From 9.30 am to 5.30pm, my feet had to scramble to so many places for the sake of wanting to see how things end. A paradoxical feeling shadowed my mind(not to mention an ache upon my feet, but that's a separate matter). Somehow, it's quite good to have some load of your back, yet not so.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Happy Birthday, May Hsim! '08

Happy 14th Birthday, May Hsim!!
Your bubbly personality says it all...
From the jokes and secrets that you share,
to those ghost stories that you spill to entertain us.
Your cheeky personality says it all...
From the way you hang that huge smile upon your face,
to lift spirits up, and in utmost authenticity.
Your personality says it all...
From the way you seem to always be the same 'old' you,
no matter how much time will change.
And that's what makes a cousin like you irresistible!